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Hard Out Here

What in the actual world is happening? How has the world gotten so crazy? I think I have a few answers and if I can get back into my groove, I want to share them with you. Let's start here. In the US they teach you to say the pledge in first grade. They drill into your head to stand, face the flag and say the pledge. They tell you that it is disrespectful to refuse any of it. There are actual times people have been sent to the office for refusing and without knowing what goes on in every school here, I'm sure children have probably been sent home for it. So, the blind allegiance starts before anyone even knows what the words they are saying mean. It is brainwashing you to never question authority. We also get a lot of the Christian religion thrown at us at all turns. It's on the money, government buildings, road signs, our TVs and there's a church on every corner. I think before long they will start stacking them up. I am pretty sure if you didn't grow up in a r

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Mark Jenkins May 13, 1970 ~ March 21, 2022

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