Republicans and Their History of Abortion

In 1973 Roe v Wade was decided by the Supreme Court. Though abortion has always been thought to be part of the Liberal agenda, it might be wise to take a closer look. So, let’s break it down. Who sat on that court, who appointed them and how did they voted on Roe v Wade?
As you can see seven Supreme Court Justices decided the fate of Roe v Wade. Of those seven, five of them were appointees of Republican Presidents and two were appointees of Democratic Presidents. Of the two who voted against the decision, one was a Republican Appointee and one was a Democratic Appointee. I’m sure if you’ve believed your entire life that abortion was a Liberal issue you may find this surprising. You may also find a few more things surprising. Roe v Wade has been challenged multiple times since it was decided on January 22, 1973. An in that time the majority of the Supreme Court has been justices that were appointed by a Republican president. The last time the court makeup had a majority of Democrat appointed justices was in 1968. You know what that means. Roe v Wade has been upheld by Republican appointees along with Democrat appointees. 

So, now that we’ve got that under our belt let’s look at who has abortions. Lifeway completed a study of people who have confirmed having an abortion. What is Lifeway? LifeWay Christian Resources is based in Nashville, Tennessee and is the publishing and distribution division of the Southern Baptist Convention and provider of church business services. What did their study find? 

That’s right, 70% of women who have had an abortion indicate their religious preference is Christian. You know what party Christians most likely support when they vote? Republicans. So that kind of means there are a lot of Republicans out their getting abortions. Why do they choose abortion? So, while we are breaking it down maybe we should look at what part judgment plays in the decision to abort a baby. Maybe it has something to do with this:

Maybe, just maybe, when you go on Facebook blasting abortion and the people who make the decision to abort, you might want to think about the amount of shaming you do and maybe take a little bit of responsibility for the fact that women feel ashamed and judged when they become pregnant in certain situations. Maybe abortion is that person’s way of hiding their predicament so that you don’t judge or shame them. It actually makes you a player in the decision. 

Where do Democrats and Liberals fall on this subject? We (obviously I cannot speak for everyone but I think I know my people pretty well) just want people to have legal and safe access to this procedure should a person decide it is the best interest of their mental and physical health to have an abortion. We do not want to kill babies any more than the next person. It’s not about that. 

I’ll give you a scenario. What if you have a mother of 5 children pregnant with a 6th child, who has been told by a doctor that she will die if she gives birth. The decision is in her hands. She can choose the birth of the child or death of a mother of 5 children. Does she die and leave 5 children motherless or does she abort and continue to raise her other 5 children? I can tell you I do not want a court to decide this nor do I want to decide it for her. I want her to have access to a safe and legal procedure if and when she makes that decision. You can give me all the scenarios where a person chooses to abort and I’ll still say the same thing. If I’m not walking in the shoes, I don’t make the decisions and neither should anyone else be able to. 

If you believe in God like you say you do, you should know you’ll never be able to kill a person God has not intended to die. You don’t choose that. You cannot abort a baby whose life is supposed to be carried on outside of the womb.

Why did I take time out to research this subject and write about it here? I wanted to show you that you have been fooled. I wanted to tell you that when you decide how to vote based on abortion, you are being used by people who want you to vote against your best interest and they use this hot button issue to persuade you. Ask yourself why the party that ushered in abortion, has had the majority vote on the Supreme Court since the fate of abortion was decided, has done nothing in almost 50 years to change it? Because they use it against you. That is the plan and simple truth. If they make this change they will have nothing left to keep you sidetracked but guns. And again they've been telling you that Democrats are coming to get your guns and we've had 16 to 20 years of democratic presidency in your life and you still have your guns. You need to start asking yourself why billion dollar corporations pay no tax while you pay a large portion of your check towards taxes. Maybe just start there. They've got you looking over there at guns and abortion while they are over here robbing you blind. This is a very important election and it's time you did some research on your own and stop listening to everything you hear.


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