I Don't Mind Quarantine That Much
I've got my circle and I'm happy with it. Missing people is a thing but I'm very happy being with my family. I'm happy working from home and having a zoom call on Thursdays to keep up with the amazing people I work with.
We've got a few tried and true coping dealios that work well for us. We take a lot of one day road trips on the weekends and get something good to eat while we are gone that we eat in the car. We have ate at the establishment if it's open air and with real social distancing. But, yeah, we eat in the car 95% of the time.
And of course there is the entertainment you get from wearing the craziest outfits that no one ever sees.
I managed to grow a plant from an avocado that we ate and enjoyed and I'm pretty impressed with myself for that.
We still have our weekend morning trips to get breakfast where we ride along side of Mill Creek as we eat and sip. If we can get up early enough to get back before 8:00am we may do a run during the week and that is super special.
We are home all week while we work. We never go into a public place without a mask, we shop when we need to, visit the babies at least once a week, try to find some place to go on the weekend that will get us back before dark and allow us to eat something good and that's it. I cannot say I'm mad about it. Life is good.
I'd love to know what routines you are falling into. It's something that probably looks different for everyone but I really enjoy hearing how others are doing it. Do share.
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