Afraid of No

It has taken a lifetime but I have recently accepted the fact that I am afraid of NO. There are a lot of things I let pass me by because I am afraid of NO. Are you afraid of NO?

This acceptance that I am afraid of NO has lead me to look for ways I am afraid of NO and ways that I am never afraid of NO. What I determined is that I am afraid of NO when it comes to having the job I want or following the path I feel called to. I am afraid of NO when it comes to friends. I usually don't instigate outings with friends for this reason. These are the two areas of my life where NO terrifies me.

I have found numerous areas in my life when I never even consider there might be a NO. I don't worry about it with my husband, my children, my family in general.  I never worried about NO when I was dating. I just always thought if I wanted to date someone they probably wanted to date me too. I never worried about NO in school. I never worry about NO when I try something new that I really want to do. I never worry about NO when I feel like I am committed to holding something in the space of my values. NO also doesn't concern me when it comes to the things I do for fun in my off time.

Are you like me? Do you fear NO in some areas of your life but absolutely not in others? I thought so.

Here is what I propose to us all. Let's try to go at all the areas in our life like NO isn't a bother. Let us all remember that feeling of when we are not bothered by NO and as Nike would say, "Just Do It." Walk head into that fear like NO is not an option, just like when you live life in those areas where NO just doesn't play a part. We can do this YES? YES!


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